Neighborhood Volunteer positions need to be filled!
Can you make room in your busy life to give back to your neighborhood? We have lots of volunteer positions open that can take as little as 1 hour per month (or less.) Please send an email to Terah Beth to get the scoop. Don't worry your pretty little heart about getting in over your head... we're a bunch of laid back people who like to have fun. We just want our neighborhood to be the best it can be! You are free to give as little or as much as you want and we'll be satisfied. (We ain't Mick Jagger) Newsletter and/or Website Writers Role: Get out the word about neighborhood events, projects, meetings, and other important information that is important to you! Foot Patrol Coordinator Role: Pick days to have foot patrol and send email to foot patrol group alerting the group of walks and trainings. Party Planners! Role(s): Help plan neighborhood events, socials and parties! Roles vary: Food Picker-upper, solicit donations (food/beverage) fr...