We're Meeting: Wednesday Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 4, 2015
Mt. Scott Community Center at 6:30 p.m.  

Hi Neighbors,

We are looking for volunteers for the annual Neighborhood Clean-Up in May.  This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and its a great way to help and support our neighborhood.  Our Clean-Up event is a TEAM effort with Foster-Powell Neighborhood Association every year. 

We are looking for those who can help with the following: 
  • Getting out the word -- posting flyers and going door to door
  • Logistics -- food donations and setting up day of 
  • Working day of event -- helping to lift and sort junk that is brought to clean -up, etc.
Our Neighborhood Clean-Up Coordinator has been organizing this event for over 15 years and would like to pass down the clean-up knowledge to folks who can help with this event.  If you would like to get involved or have a an idea to help make this event more successful please contact Erika at msana.chair@gmail.com

The Arleta Triangle Project (72nd and Woodstock) is organizing a Steering Committee for future site improvements. If you have fundraising, marketing skills, or just want to help pull weeds one Saturday morning a month please email Meghan at laurameg@comcast.net.

The Neighborhood Board will be submitting comments to the City of Portland's Bureau of Planning and Sustainability and Bureau of Transportation.  Our comments will focus on the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map, and transportation priorities for the city's updated 20-year Transportation Systems Plan.  Our board members have heard many of your comments throughout the last couple of years about increased density, development fitting in and being compatible with existing character, Foster Road safety and bicycle improvements, additional crosswalks near Mt. Scott Community Center, and much more. The MSANA Board will be submitting comments but you can too.  You can learn more and submit your comments online about transportation, infrastructure, land use here: http://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/57352

Want to be part of the Neighborhood Association Board? 
We are a group of neighbors who get together, share ideas, and work cooperatively to make the neighborhood a friendly and safe place to live, work, and play, and visit.  We are always seeking neighborhood volunteers to help with neighborhood improvement projects, fundraising, organize events (socials, kickball games, block parties), getting out the word of local happenings, new businesses, through social media and e-newsletters, etc. If you have a project or an idea the board can provide resources and support to help make it a reality.  We can help you find grants/financial support, collaborative partnerships individuals or organizations, spreading the word, and more.   The board meets once a month (every first Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.)  If there is a special project or issue relating to transportation/land-use these committees may meet for an additional meeting. To be part of the board we ask that you attend at minimum of three neighborhoods meetings.  We will be having elections in May!

If you have any questions about neighborhood association, concerns, or have ideas for improvement please contact Erika Palmer-Wilson at  msana.chair@gmail.com

Happy Spring!


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