Join us in February

We have a neighborhood meeting next week!
When:  Wednesday Feb. 4th
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Where: Mt. Scott Community Center (poolside room)

A community police officer will be giving us an update and there will be time for questions and answers -- a recent rash of neighborhood burglaries at businesses have occurred and  neighbors are trying to address package thieves.  Our SE neighborhood liaison from the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability will be providing an update on the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code update.  If you have land use questions (density, tree preservation, site design, etc.) or want to know who you should be talking to at City, come on down!

Our neighborhood is participating in the Portland Street Tree Inventory this summer! What does this mean?  Neighborhood volunteers will be guided by Urban Forestry staff, who provide the training, tools, to collect information on tree species, size, health, site conditions, and available planting spaces. This data will be  analyzed by Urban Forestry staff, and findings will presented back to the neighborhood at an annual Tree Summit at the end of the season (Fall 2015). At the summit, our neighborhood can begin developing tree plan.  This plan will help us set achievable strategies to improve existing street trees, expand tree canopy, and connect the neighborhood with city and nonprofit resources. The Neighborhood Tree Plan will be based on the current status and health of neighborhood street trees and will provide recommendations for specific neighborhood actions to improve our neighborhood canopy. In the past, neighborhood groups have organized pruning workshops, secured funding to widen small planting strips, and planted street trees.  It's really fun!  Foster-Powell participated last summer and a few folks from our neighborhood volunteered to help with the inventory process.

The Annual Neighborhood Clean-Up is coming up this Spring! Did you know our neighborhood champion for this event has been organizing it for over 15 years?!! Shawna, wins the neighborhood GOLD MEDAL award. We are looking for a few more neighborhood champions who will help us organize -- from planning to the logistics day of.  This event is our BIGGEST fundraiser of the year folks! If you can help us plan for the event, canvass the neighborhood with fliers, or lend a hand the day of -- we need you!

If you are interested in either the Street Tree Inventory or Clean-Up Event please email

The Portland Mercado is slated to open later this spring and be on the look out for the Foster Window Project.  The design for the Phoenix Building is going up this weekend.   If you have a project or an idea for the neighborhood let our neighborhood association know how we can help make it a reality.  

Hope to see you next Wednesday.
MSANA, Co-Chair  


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