Happy New Year! N'hood Meeting Jan. 8th 6:30 p.m. at MSCC
Happy New Year Neighbors! Let's make 2014 another awesome year in our neighborhood! We have a meeting this Wednesday, January 8th at 6:30 p.m. at Mt. Scott Community Center. We will be brainstorming some new goals for this upcoming year and beyond. See the agenda below. The neighborhood association and our volunteers did wonderful things this past year. Just to name a few things:
- "Alley Allies: Connecting our neighborhoods by building better Alleys," MSA Partnered with Foster-Powell NA, Lents, Foster Green EcoDistrict and Mill Street Planning on the This project produced a handbook that re-envisions alleyways and lists the resources such as grant opportunities and city resources to complete projects. For more information see: http://millstreetplanning.com/
- "Larelwood Park Master Plan", MSA again partnered with Foster-Powell NA and Foster Green EcoDistrict to engage the community to define their desires for park enhancements. The project included public engagement, project design, plan document, and an implementation strategy. Hopefully, over the next couple of years we will see improvements that create a space.
- "Neighborhood Socials", be on the look out for more neighborhood get to-gethers. We held one last June at Piepers Cafe and co-hosted another with FoPo NA at Red Castle games in October. Everyone likes a good party!
- "Neighborhood Tote-Bags, T-shirts, Bike Bells", Don't forget to dress and bike in style all while supporting neighborhood projects! You can pick up a Bike Bell for 10 bucks at Piepers Cafe!
- "Arleta Triangle Roof", Did you notice the new roof at the Arleta Triangle? If not, check it out!
- "Neighborhood Clean-Up," again partnering with Foster Powell to clean up the neighborhood. This event happens every April, so be on the look out! It saves you money.
- "Neighborhood Foot Patrol", We started a foot patrol but we are looking for coordinator! It's a great way to get out and meet neighbors while reporting, graffiti, street lights that may be out, illegal dumping, abandoned vehicles etc. The coordinator's role is pretty easy: pick a day and time, email the volunteers, make sure enough people can participate, and develop a route. If you are interested email: Erika at msana.chair@gmail.com
- "Financial Contribution to Feast For Southeast", This Thanksgiving Day meal is put together for the community, by the community and is about so much more than food...it's about service, compassion, change, and impact - truly neighbors loving and caring for one another. For more information see: http://www.feast4southeast.com/
Oh, and don't forget that MSANA recieved the 2013 Portland Spirit Award for Neighborhood Association of Year!
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