Feb. 5th Neighborhood Meeting 6:30 p.m. at Mt. Scott Community Center
Hey Neighbors, Metro Councilor, Bob Stacey will be on hand at our next Neighborhood Meeting to introduce himself and to speak briefly what the Regional Government is up to these days. Did you know that every two years, Metro selects transportation projects and programs to receive approximately $60 million in federal funding. The updated Foster Streetscape Plan has received some of this funding. Metro does a lot more and I'll let Bob speak for himself. Emerio Design is proposing a development at 72nd and Steele Streets. A representative from their firm will be attending to talk about the proposed development and to answer questions from neighbors. (See the attached existing conditions map and preliminary plat). Hope to see you. If not don't forget to read updates on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/Mt.Scott.Arleta.Neighborhood and you can also join the Nextdoor social network which is a private neighborhood site. Check it out: https://nextdoor.com/ February 5, 201...