Help Prepare for a Great Emergence! Your Neighbors Need You

Whether we know it or not, we are not prepared to deal with a large-scale disaster like the impending Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake. But while there's time, we can take huge steps to creating a disaster-ready neighborhood that will adapt and thrive in a post-collapse world. Sounds overwhelming? Like all big problems, it could be, but it's mostly a fun get-to-know-your-neighbor challenge that will improve our lives regardless of whether the Big One strikes within our lifetime. And if it does, we'll be much better prepared to successfully emerge from the aftermath.

If you are motivated to know how you can help avoid neighborhood tragedy, please help with the planning effort that will bring workshops and fun activities to your block. Contact Sustainability Rep. Jonathan portlandearthcare [at] gmail [dot] com for more information.

The City of Portland doesn't have much planned for post-earthquake relief. It's nice to know there's such thing as a BEECN (which stands for Basic Earthquake Emergency Communication Node) - Lents, Woodstock, and Flavel Parks are the ones nearest to us, but much of the potential injury and illness prevention will come from knowledgeable neighbors (that's us) and help from our own Neighborhood Emergency Teams (NETs).
Currently, there is but one active NET in the area, in Woodstock, but they are severely short of participants. Planning is getting underway to bring Preparedness Workshops to the neighborhoods to promote more NET activity and bring awareness and preparedness to the block level in neighborhoods from Lents to Sellwood & Brooklyn.

One of the groups that will help us do this is PREP Oregon which got its roots in Sellwood Neighborhood. I just met with folks from PREP, Woodstock NET, and other neighborhood activists who've done a workshop series before to explore the feasibility of a series around Mt. Scott-Arleta. We'll need as many volunteers as possible to make this successful. There may be grant funds available or perhaps we'll need to ask the NA to dip into our savings. In my opinion, it's worth it. What do you think? Are you ready to prepare?


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