Foster Road -- Street Design Alternatives! Give us YOUR feedback!
Howdy Neighbors, As many of you know, the Foster Road Streetscape Plan Update/Refresh whatever you want to call it has been taking place over the past few months. Two MSA board members sit on the Stakeholder Advisory Committee (Marcel Hermans and Erika Palmer-Wilson) and have been providing YOUR comments to the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PDOT). There is a meeting tonight (2/21) at 6:00 p.m. at SE Works (79th & Foster) and the public is welcome. If you can't make the meeting (I know soooo many of you have busy lives) that's okay. Please read the DRAFT street design alternatives & evaluation and provide your input to Marcel Hermans, MSA Transportation Chair at or Erika Palmer-Wilson, Board Chair, We will be providing all of our neighborhood feedback to PDOT over the next couple of weeks. Either email Marcel or Erika or leave a comment in the blog post below. Thank you for reading and p...