Arleta School Garden Enhancements Selected by PSU Planning Students {WITHDRAWN}

{Unfortunately, after initial meetings with the students, they decided not to work with us} Arleta School Grounds will NOT be the site of a focused planning initiative led by Portland State University canditates for Masters of Urban and Regional Planning. Every year a handful of projects are selected throughout the city to receive planning assistance from PSU's Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning. The Arleta School Site Council submitted their application in December, with the backing of the Mt. Scott-Arleta Neighborhood Association, and parents' support from the Arleta Garden Team.
  This is excellent news for a school community that has been for want of a better school yard for many years. The project coincides perfectly with a Depave project that is also moving forward through the planning phase and slated for construction this fall. Such a great opportunity for development of a new green playscape in the context of a new Master Plan does not happen very often in the cash-strapped world of public schools.
  The MSA Neighborhood Association is calling on all interested residents and business-owners to gear up for some healthy public engagement about how we want our community school to thrive in the coming decades. The Garden Team is growing and we are hopeful for the participation of new community groups such as Padres Unidos, Foster Green EcoDistrict, and Access Church, to create and maintain improvements that will lead to increased garden stewardship, stronger community connections, and healthy, well-nourished children.


  1. Since my son will attend Arleta next year, this sounds like great news! Any ideas if the play structures/playground will also be improved?

  2. There is a Depave project in the works that would improve a portion of the blacktop "playground" by removing asphalt and replacing it with trees and a natural playscape. There will be an opportunity to consider the existing play structure in the context of this planning process.


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