
Showing posts from October, 2012

Neighborhood Apartment Parking Survey

The Citywide Land Use Group (CWLUG) consists of the Land Use Chairs of the 95 neighborhoods in the City of Portland. As volunteers for our respective neighborhoods, we recognize apartments with little or no off-street parking have serious impacts on the community. It is our wish to identify your concerns. What’s this survey about? Apartment buildings being constructed in Portland with little or no off-street parking.   How could this issue affect me? My family? My neighborhood? The City code was changed almost 10 years ago to allow developers to include little or no off-street parking in their new developments. Over the past 18 months (02/2011-08/2012), 20 apartment buildings with no off-street parking and 8 apartment buildings with little off-street parking have been approved. This correlates to 557 residential units located outside the City Centerwith NO off-street parking and 602 residential with little off-street parking.A total of 1,159 new residential...

Neighborhood Watch/Starting Neighborhood Foot Patrols

Are you interested in forming a Neighborhood Watch group or a Neighborhood Foot Patrol? Don't know what a Neighborhood Watch entails or what a Fool Patrol is or what it does?  If you are interested in attending an informational meeting please email Erika Palmer-Wilson at I know that there is intere st from neighbors, and if you signed-up for more information at our last N'hood Association Meeting there is no need to email me.  Fore more information on Foot Patrols click here  !   An informational meeting is being coordinated by our awesome Neighborhood Crime Prevention Coordinator, Brad Taylor! If you are interested I will put you on the invite list, however once a day and time is hammered out in the very near future, it will be posted for everyone to see because you are all invited.

Walktober! Walk of Remembrance along Foster Road

As a part of “ Walktober ,” A national organization called Transportation 4 America, is teaming up the local Willamette Pedestrian Coalition to hold the “ Walk of Remembrance” . The objective of the event is to honor the lives of those lost on our streets, draw attention to the situation, and advocate for funding and support to improve the conditions on high crash corridors. An event is scheduled for October 23rd at 10:00 a.m. on Foster Road. It will go from Laurelwood Park (61st & Foster) to 82nd & Foster, with stops along the way, and includes the option to continue to other sites on 82nd Ave .  You are welcome to participate in this event to build awareness about the need for safer conditions along Foster Road and other high-crash corridors.

Community Sharing Workshop! October 20th

You need a tool for a construction project but you know that you’ll never use it again after the project is finished. You’d like to do something with the apples from your apple tree but you don’t own an apple corer or have the space to store one anyhow. Your child is ready for a bike, but you know that she will outgrow it in a year. Sound familiar?  Almost every day we face decisions about what to buy and how to use what we own. An increasing number of people in our community are turning to resource sharing as a way to complete a construction project, cook a meal, and bring joy to a child without having to spend money on a new thing that will just end up collecting dust in the closet. Southeast Uplift (3534 SE Main St.) is hosting a free workshop on resource sharing on Saturday, October 20th, 10am-Noon.  With project presentations, networking opportunities, and useful resources, this workshop will provide participants with the inspiration and practical tools they need to start...

Foster Corridor Investment Strategy: Open House #2

Foster Corridor Investment Strategy “Working Together to Create a Thriving Foster Corridor” Open House #2 DATE: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 (rescheduled from October 6, 2012) LOCATION: Lents Masonic Lodge, 5811 SE 92nd Ave TIME: DOORS ARE OPEN – 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM PROGRAM STARTS – 5:45 PM To Register: Hosted by Foster Lents Integration Partnership (FLIP), Foster Green EcoDistrict, and the Lents Neighborhood Association. For more information, contact: Kevin Cronin, Senior Project Manager Portland Development Commission 503.823.3305 Those requiring translation service and/or childcare must RSVP by Friday, October 5, 5:00 p.m. Alison Wicks, Project/Program Coordinator –

Foster Road Coalition Vision Document

This document describes the vision for Foster Road, as defined and supported by the community-based Foster Road Coalition. The Foster Road Coalition consists of several Foster-area community organizations who organized and joined together to coordinate their work and efforts for a better Foster Road. This document lays out the coalition’s Vision for a better Foster Road, as well as several specific measures that the coalition believes can make this vision a reality. The coalition realizes that the ultimate implementation of the improvement measures will need to be a collaborative process between the Coalition and the City, as well as several other organizations. As part of that process, prioritization and possible reconsideration of specific measures may be needed. This is a living document and may change.  The Coalition is open to discussion with any interested parties with ideas and suggestions as to proposed or alternative measures to accomplish the ultimate implementation ...