Neighborhood Apartment Parking Survey
The Citywide Land Use Group (CWLUG) consists of the Land Use Chairs of the 95 neighborhoods in the City of Portland. As volunteers for our respective neighborhoods, we recognize apartments with little or no off-street parking have serious impacts on the community. It is our wish to identify your concerns. What’s this survey about? Apartment buildings being constructed in Portland with little or no off-street parking. How could this issue affect me? My family? My neighborhood? The City code was changed almost 10 years ago to allow developers to include little or no off-street parking in their new developments. Over the past 18 months (02/2011-08/2012), 20 apartment buildings with no off-street parking and 8 apartment buildings with little off-street parking have been approved. This correlates to 557 residential units located outside the City Centerwith NO off-street parking and 602 residential with little off-street parking.A total of 1,159 new residential...