Inspiration for Mt. Scott-Arleta's 72nd Avenue

Last night my hubby and I rode our bikes to Disjecta in the Kenton Neighborhood. I made a remark about Kenton's North Denver street improvements and how this newly revamped mainstreet could be a good model for 72nd Avenue between Foster and Woodstock Ave in Mt. Scott-Arleta. And then today.... I came across this Neighborhood Notes article about "How to Improve Your Neighborhood's Business District."  The article refers to Kenton Neighborhood's success with their business district's mainsteet. (So, I consider this Kenton coincidence as a 'sign'.) Maybe it's time to begin the conversation about our 72nd Avenue and what steps we can take to improve this area to bring in some investment. Oh, the possibilities!
'Greenstreets' on North Denver
The 72nd Avenue Mainstreet Committee hasn't met in an official capacity yet, but that doesn't mean we can't be brainstorming individually, right?
I also read this article"Community Livability Grant Nets Lents URA $65,000…Only a Fraction of Interstate URA Awards". We need to be pulling money into our neighborhood! We need it just as much, or more, as the Interstate Urban Renewal Area.

Maybe a great goal can be to apply for PDC's Community Livability Grant next year?

We can do it...Yes, we can. (Can I get an Amen?)

I know, most of us are spread thin right now with important projects, so it's tough to imagine adding to the list.  (Foster Improvements, Survey Project, Our Happy Block, Arleta Triangle...the list could go on an on....) But maybe we can get the ball rolling and begin the conversation.... 

That's all for now.
Please email me (Terah Beth) if you want to be added to the 72nd Avenue Mainstreet" Group

- Terah Beth Varga, Vice Chair - not an author, by any means

The Little Neighborhood That Could
(Kenton Streetscape Improvement Video)

Article about Green Streets in Kenton's Biz District


  1. SE 72nd is such an under-the-radar slice of outer SE, and its potential abounds. You make a good connection to Kenton and its business district. There's no reason 72nd can't be the same and more...

  2. There are a lot of similarities to Kenton, and there is huge potential for this corridor. Do we know who the key players were in the Kenton turn around and can we get their ear for a moment?

  3. The project team listed in the Kenton Streetscape plan might be a good place to start in terms of contacts -

    My recollection is that it was funded primarily by PDC with additional grant funding from ODOT.


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