Thanks for a hugely successful Cleanup!

We won't have final tallies for a few weeks, but the initial numbers look great for the cleanup last Saturday. The past few years we have had about 125-130 vehicles come through; this year it was a whopping 159, which I think is a new record!!
  • Last year our dumpsters were as follows: 7 bulky waste, 1 wood and 1 metal
  • This year our dumpsters were:  9 bulky waste, 2 wood and 1 metal, for a total increase of 3 this year!!

Thanks to everyone who delivered flyers, helped on Saturday, came through the line and brought junk on Saturday, or just told their neighbors about it!  It was such a great event because of everyone's help and participation.

I'll keep everyone posted as soon as we know how much money we raised.

(posted by t.b.)

And of course, we want to thank wonderful Shawna for working so hard to make this event a success! your neighborhood appreciates you Shawna!


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