It's time to start watering your trees each week!

Remember, it is time to start watering your tree each week!  Especially with the dry weather of the past two weeks!  In the Portland area, rainfall slows down just when young trees need water most.  Your new tree/s need at least 10-15 gallons of water each week for the first three years.  Providing one deep watering over the entire root system per week is recommended. 

There are a number of different ways you can make watering easier.  To watch a video on creating your own drip watering system Click here.  Friends of Trees also has a limited quantity of drip irrigation watering bags for sale at $18.00 each.  Call 503-595-0212 for availability.  To watch a video about installing these Ooze tubes Click here

Also remember that grass and weeds compete with your tree for water.  Mulch your tree adequately and hand pull weeds when necessary.  If you need mulch for your tree (s), feel free to swing by our office (3117 NE MLK Jr. Blvd) to get some.  Be careful not to damage the tree trunk with lawn mowers, weed eaters, or car doors.  The bark is what protects a tree's water and nutrient transportation system. 

We are also starting to ramp up for our next planting season!
  We need your help to spread the word about Friends of Trees in your neighborhood.  To sign up for a Friends of Trees yard sign Click here.  Our goal will be to get the yard signs out in June, but if one does not show up in your front planting strip, don't worry, we may have just run out or we have enough in your neighborhood at this time. 

Pay it Forward!
Friends of Trees couldn't reach our high goals without supporters like you.  In order to continue providing tree discounts to those in need and plant in as many neighborhoods as possible, we need your help!  Please consider making a donation to help us grow our urban forest. 
Thanks again for supporting trees!

Watering Your trees with a 5 gallon bucket:

Watering Your trees with an Ooze Tube:


  1. (Looks like my earlier attempt got et up -- trying again.)

    If you're a cat-owning skinflint like me, you can use a litter bucket instead of a 5 gallon bucket. A 40lb bucket of clumping litter holds about 4 1/2 gallons of water, or a smidge over a gallon per 10 pounds of litter.


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