Foster Rd. Investment Seeks Neighborhood Input
Foster Lents Integration Partnership (FLIP) rolls out first public workshop this Tuesday April 10 at Wattles Boys & Girls Club. From 5:30-8pm in the Art Room, community members from the Foster corridor will work together towards the following goals...
· Generate information (gaps and assets) to create a Public and Stakeholder Engagement Plan that empowers people to be part of developing and benefiting from the Foster Corridor Investment Strategy.
· Generate information (gaps and assets) to create a Public and Stakeholder Engagement Plan that empowers people to be part of developing and benefiting from the Foster Corridor Investment Strategy.
· Generate agreement on roles and responsibilities in engagement process, including threshold question of capacity for Foster Green to lead/participate.
We want to leave the workshop with:
· A list of businesses, communities (geographic and non-geographic), individuals and organizations to be engaged, and to the extent practicable, information about the capacity of those entities to participate with FLIP and FGSC in developing the Foster Corridor Investment Strategy. Special emphasis on communities of color and low income communities. [Completed through a small group stakeholder mapping exercise.]
· A list of upcoming community engagement opportunities. [Completed through a small group brainstorming exercise.]
· Preliminary agreement on roles and responsibilities of engagement work, specifically Foster Green Steering Committee’s role.
· Agreed on process schedule for developing the Public and Stakeholder Engagement Plan.
Location is 9330 SE Harold, for more information, visit PDC's website
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