August Board Meeting

This year we will be holding a meeting in August (as a general rule we haven't in the past).

The meeting will consist of only the board portion so it should run for a considerably shorter amount of time (about an hour). However, we are looking for LOTS of community input as the goal of this meeting is to vision-cast and plan for Fall/Winter 2010-2011.

With the new formatting of the meetings, the second half can host special guests, speakers, and presentations. We want your ideas, thoughts, and input on who we should invite to present.

  • Interested in learning how to garden in small spaces?
  • Want a free tutorial on bike/pedestrian/car safety and rules of the road?
  • Would you like to hear from our Crime Prevention Coordinator on ways to make your street safer?
  • Do you have a skill, idea or activity you'd like to present yourself?

These ideas and so many more could be presented at one of our monthly general meetings. So please join us August 4th at 6:30pm, Mt. Scott Community Center for an hour-long dream n' scheme!


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